About Pannama Hat
The Panama HatPanama Hats are famous worldwide for their lightness, durability, flexibility and comfort. All of these characteristics result from the materials used to weave the hat: the toquilla straw. Artisans in Ecuador carefully weave these straws into our Genuine Panama Hats. Panama Hat quality is measured by the tightness of this mesh, the higher the number of weave’s per square inch, the higher the quality of the hat.Today gamboa panama hats are popular among both men and women. Although there still is a larger variety of models of mens panama hats, new models and colors are continuously being designed for the ladies as well. In our panama hats for women section for example, you will find hats in different types, styles and color tones to match your favorite garments for all sorts of occasions. Make sure to look for your panama gamboa hats. |
Panama Hat Models and ColorsFavorite models and panama hat styles include: fedora, colonial, plantation, borsalino, gambler and diamond: Another always popular and classic is the montecristi panama hat, named after the city where it is hand woven , available in various models and grades. Hats are also classified by their brim. We offer both short and wide brim panama hat. These panamahat models are available in a range of colors including off white, white, green, blue, brown, purple and yellow. Coloured panama hats are a new trend, the classic panama hat was traditionally white or off white, we recommend the white panama hat women. Most panama hats are available for men and women. |
Montecristi Panama HatsArtisans in the town of Montecristi, Ecuador weave the top quality panama hats (panama hat montecristi). The trade has been taught from father to son for centuries, resulting in hats that feel as fine as cloth. The folding panama hat is made in Montecristi. These montecristi hats are so flexible that the can be rolled and placed into a box (thus, they are also known as collapsible panama hats, foldable panama hats or Packable Panama Hat). |
Panamahat com offers a divertity of panama hats Ecuador for all occasion and everyday activities. You can find your favorite panama hats uk that everyone loves to wear to special reunions with friends or the panama jack hat that gives a very casual look for the simple dresser. Other styles that are growing in popularity are the panama hats Melbourne. Hats which men like a lot and are always eye catching are the panama hats dallas since many love the look of old western movies but with a casual and more modern taste. |
How to Buy a Panama HatThe best panama hat for you is the basically the one you like the most or the one that suits your necessities at best according to the occasions you will be wearing it in. Our panama hat company offers many styles , colors and accessories to choose from. A variety of collections, sets and great options for corporate gifts and souvenirs can be found at our panama hat shop.Our site offers tools to help you choose and buy panama hat. The first element to narrow you choice it the quality of the hats weave also known as the hat grade. The price of the hat depends on the number of threads per inch in the weave. You can find cheap panama hats in the low end of the hat grade. Our website routinely offers a discount panama hats sale. Sign up for our email news to receive special offers and discounts. |
HatsParadise Hat SelectionWe offer a large variety of panama hat styles and models for men and women. Our panama hats for men(also known as straw hats for men) are perfect for outdoor activities, trips and as an elegant summer accessory. One of our favorites is the white panama hat, a classic hat that can be worn to both casual and formal events.Our ladies panama hat has been featured in fashion magazines and blogs. These hats, sometimes referred to as panama jack hats. Our shop is a great place to find your panama hat online. |
Panama Hat AccessoriesPanamaHatMall.com carries a full line of panama hat accessories including: panama hat bands, boxes to store roll up panama hats and pins. We also offer sets that include a box, a hat and bands.Browse through our accessories section to find the perfect accents and decorations for your panamahats to give them your personal touch of style. |
Why Shop at HatsParadise.comLooking for a genuine panama hat? Our store is the place to find it. We carry over 200 different models of panama straw hats. Check our genuine panama hats for sale for specials that can save you up to 50% off the regular price. How’s that possible? When you shop with us you buy your panama hats direct from Ecuador. Want a premium panama montecristi? Our premium section offers high end panama hats with the finest weaves.If you are interested in panama hats wholesale we can help you also, you just need to contact us and request a quote for the style and quantity of hats you need. |